Tag Archives: EnglishStuff


“How does one forgive after suffering oppression?”

This question has been the topic of many stories because it has the potential to be adapted in various ways whether the character was abandoned, manipulated, betrayed, tortured, etc. Though most authors like to push it to a positive outlook, it can be both ways. It depends a lot of the situation like who they are, how they suffered, why they suffered, who hurt them, and who are they forgiving. In lots of the movies, stories, and books I know there is always a character who suffered outside the stories plot so the characters do know they suffered but it’s not the focus of the story.

Case in point, Hercules, the character Meg has suffered oppression due to Hades after she sold her soul to him. So there is basically no story where someone didn’t suffer from oppression making this question go along with a lot of story arches and character subplots.

This question personally, solely depends on the person who suffered. Each person is different, so maybe one person would be more forgiving or one person didn’t suffer that badly, etc. It also depends how understanding and open they are to forgive because there are a lot of characters I know that would forgive anyone if they knew the truth behind the oppression.

Examples include:

Punch like a Girl, Red Queen, Glass Sword, Broken, Matilda, Atalanta, Taming of the Shrew, and Once Upon a Time.

These stories all have characters who suffered some sort of oppression and they all dealt with them differently. So that’s why it depends on the person’s ability to understand and forgive.

-What It Means To Be Human-

Humans want to feel included

Humans persist in difficult situations

Humans need friends and family

Humans need hopes and dreams

Humans need to communicate

Humans need to understand others

Humans seek knowledge

Humans can be driven by curiosity

Humans strive for a good society

Humans can be terrifying

The book The Lord of the Flies if one of the most terrifying and horrific books I’ve ever read but it taught me the most out of every book I read. It showed me how fear and freedom put together in some circumstances can drive people to do horrible things to each other while trying to survive. The book is about a plane filled with young middle school boys crashing on an island without any adults as they try to survive and get off. I don’t recommend it to anyone who is very sensitive to murder..


So in English we were involved in a “Bard on the Beach” in class thing and I really love it. The two instructors were so kind and they really immersed us into the play which I loved so much.

We learned about the play “The Taming of the Shrew” which I already know but I was surprised with how many things I looked over.

=Bad Summary=

These two sisters named Bianca and Katherina lived in Italy with their dad and Bianca was this lovey, dovey, sweet girl who many people wanted to court but their dad won’t let them until Katherina gets married but Katherina was this mean and cruel person. One day this guy was like “Hey I like Bianca” and dressed up as a teacher to teach Bianca and they fell in love but Bianca tells him that Katherina has to get married first before they get together and the guy was all “Okay, I know a guy” and calls his friend over to court her. Now this guy was a jerk which matched up with Katherina’s personality perfectly so he made her married him right away and as a husband he was way way way too mean. He wouldn’t let her eat and sleep until she obeyed him and basically brainwashed her into the perfect wife. At the end turns out Bianca married but Katherina was still a better wife than her the end.  Katherina and her “husband”

(I know it’s a bad summary so don’t shoot me)

So we had to learn the major parts of that play and act out some scenes which again, I loved.

10/10, would bard on the beach again.

=Song Analysis=

Here I’m going to analyse the song Talking to the Moon (One of my favourite songs) for English. Let’s do this! First, you need to understand the song as well so I’ve left in the lyric video to it and a document of the song lyrics so you’re welcome.

My goal is to figure out what the song means in its entirety starting with lyrics. The lyrics go on about personifying the moon, saying how it can listen and communicate, (“I sit by myself talking to the moon.”) and how someone misses you so much that others think they’re crazy. That’s a little creepy but it’s sweet, right? Anyway, the words chosen in the song are very straight forward and what’s great about this song is that it’s easy to figure out due to the lack of metaphors and similes. With that, it’s pretty simple to find out what the song means. The tone and attitude of the song give me an overall heartwarming and comfy effect which is a very pleasant mood to be put in after listening to a song. Style of the song is fairly normal for a song to be, it’s made up of couplets and quatrains, there are about 5 stanzas excluding the effect noises, line groupings and lengths are short so that’s it’s easy to sing out loud, it obviously has a rhyme scheme and the lack of punctuations are normal in song lyrics. The message is that no matter where you are, what you’re doing or who you’re with, someone somewhere cares about you lot. Even if you don’t talk much or see each other a lot, they still care. They care enough to talk to the moon about you and hope that the moon tells you how much they care. This song is great to lift someone’s spirits when they’re having a bad day or just a lovely song to keep you happy for a day or two. Everyone has a bad day once in a while so I think this song can relate to anyone. That’s what I think the meaning is I guess, anyway, that was my song analysis for Talking to the Moon and I hope you enjoyed! Have a great day!   








So in English class we had to read a short story called “A Mountains Journey”, it’s a beautifully written story and it’s very detailed when it comes to writing out scenes or settings. One thing I like about it is that some of the metaphors and similes are pretty funny when you think about it, I’ll give you some examples..

Metaphor- “But the rivers, levelled with the ice and snow, were the winter highways of the mountains.” -(pg.93-94)


Simile- “That tree, like a strong lonely woman..” -(Pg.92)


Personification- “The wind blew before him..” -(Pg.92)


The other Metaphor- “..His body was no more than the shape of agony and effort crawling through the twilight” -(Pg.95)


(These drawings were made very quick and loosely and are not complete representations of my art and drawing abilities).

=Digital Footprint=

Let’s start this with a story.
(This was just a little doodled up comic)
Okay, I may have made this story a little more exaggerated, but you know what I mean. Anyone who uses social media leaves a digital footprint and a digital footprint is basically anything on the internet related to you as a person on both good and bad stuff. Now a digital footprint is pretty important because it can affect your future.
For example, like in the story, I’ve presented, you can get fired from your job or you can just never get employed if your digital footprint is offensive. Like if you insulted  a company that you want to be hired by.
To avoid this you can keep in mind that mature, important and smart people will in the future look at your digital footprint. You can imagine all your family members looking at it, or you can imagine a whole elementary school looking at it. The point is, it has to be appropriate and safe.
A digital footprint is something people will use if they want to hire you so beware of what you do on social media so to other people, just be careful, you don’t want to get fired from a job just because of something you posted 5 years ago.