
So in English we were involved in a “Bard on the Beach” in class thing and I really love it. The two instructors were so kind and they really immersed us into the play which I loved so much.

We learned about the play “The Taming of the Shrew” which I already know but I was surprised with how many things I looked over.

=Bad Summary=

These two sisters named Bianca and Katherina lived in Italy with their dad and Bianca was this lovey, dovey, sweet girl who many people wanted to court but their dad won’t let them until Katherina gets married but Katherina was this mean and cruel person. One day this guy was like “Hey I like Bianca” and dressed up as a teacher to teach Bianca and they fell in love but Bianca tells him that Katherina has to get married first before they get together and the guy was all “Okay, I know a guy” and calls his friend over to court her. Now this guy was a jerk which matched up with Katherina’s personality perfectly so he made her married him right away and as a husband he was way way way too mean. He wouldn’t let her eat and sleep until she obeyed him and basically brainwashed her into the perfect wife. At the end turns out Bianca married but Katherina was still a better wife than her the end.  Katherina and her “husband”

(I know it’s a bad summary so don’t shoot me)

So we had to learn the major parts of that play and act out some scenes which again, I loved.

10/10, would bard on the beach again.

One thought on “-BardOnTheBeach/TamingOfTheShrew-”

  1. An accurate and funny summary Ashlynn! It might make a good comedy…wait it is! I’m glad you participated in the workshop, you did great!

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