This is my HCE assignment on the image “No Trespassing” by Banksy I have written a poem exploring the theme respect.
No trespassing! you can see the sign,
So, respect the message, look at it shine.
Look at the feather it speaks of a past that is gone,
You took our land leaving our land to be withdrawn.
No Trespassing, the sign declares,
The sign, as bright as the sun, the message is there.
The power of the message is loud and clear,
The sign stands strong as we sit in fear.
No trespassing, I know you can see it,
But you choose to look away and seek to ignore it.
And now I look to you and say please stay out of my home,
But you pass over the sign and continue to roam.
No trespassing is the message,
But no, you just made a passage.
Please respect our laws and ways,
Because when you invade our land, we pause for days.