PHE 10 Goal Setting

My Self-Assessment


What are things that I am good at?

1. Creative Thinking: I excel at generating innovative ideas and solutions.
2. Communication: I effectively convey information and ideas through various mediums.
3. Critical Thinking: I can analyze complex problems and make sound decisions.
4. Social Responsibility: I am committed to contributing positively to my community.
5. Personal Identity: I have a strong understanding of my values and beliefs.
6. Personal Awareness: I am aware of my strengths and areas for growth.


I know this because? (provide evidence)

1. Creative Thinking: I developed a unique marketing campaign that increased our social media engagement by 30%.
2. Communication: I delivered a presentation that received positive feedback from peers and supervisors.
3. Critical Thinking: I solved a major project issue by implementing a new strategy, which resulted in a 15% increase in efficiency.
4. Social Responsibility: I organized a community clean-up event, which had a turnout of over 50 volunteers.
5. Personal Identity: I wrote an essay on my cultural heritage, which helped me reflect deeply on my values.
6. Personal Awareness: I regularly seek feedback from colleagues and mentors to improve my skills.


What are things I can get better at?

1. Creative Thinking: Enhance my ability to think outside the box and develop even more innovative ideas.
2. Communication: Improve my public speaking skills to convey ideas more effectively.
3. Critical Thinking: Develop my ability to anticipate potential problems and create proactive solutions.
4. Social Responsibility: Increase my involvement in community service and leadership roles.
5. Personal Identity: Deepen my self-awareness and understanding of my personal and professional goals.
6. Personal Awareness: Become more adept at recognizing and managing my emotions in various situations.


What can I do to achieve my goals?

1. Creative Thinking: Attend workshops on creative problem-solving and practice brainstorming techniques.
2. Communication: Join a public speaking club and participate in speaking events.
3. Critical Thinking: Engage in exercises that challenge my problem-solving skills, such as puzzles or strategy games.
4. Social Responsibility: Volunteer for local non-profits and seek opportunities to lead community projects.
5. Personal Identity: Reflect regularly through journaling and seek mentorship from individuals I admire.
6. Personal Awareness: Practice mindfulness and emotional intelligence exercises to better understand and manage my emotions.

Publish Your Self-Assessment

Instructions for Blog Post:

1. Categories – Self-Assessment
2. Tags – Now tag your post using the tag that corresponds to the competency that you have written about. You can choose more than one. Please use lower case letters and be exact.
• #creativethinkingcc
• #communicationcc
• #criticalthinkingcc
• #socialresponsibilitycc
• #personalidentitycc
• #personalawarenesscc
3. Use the Add Document button located at the top of your post page and embed your self-assessment at the bottom of your blog post.
4. Publish

This completes my self-assessment and sets a clear path for my continuous improvement and contribution to my personal and professional growth.

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