I see a lot of different colors and a lot of people. I see a pattern as well there’s a lot of people it’s like a protest or something like that. The effect the color chosen is their half of the people are black and white and a bunch of them are colorful. We are looking from above and it’s kind of weird to look at it but it’s pretty satisfying as well. Personally, I kind of feel like it is representing the first nation and all that. I can’t see any major lines in the image. There’s no lightning used in this, it just paints and all the colors. Most of them have the same gesture and posture but some of them are a little different. It doesn’t really make me feel something but it’s kind of satisfying looking at it, my first impression looking at it was I was trying to figure out what it meant. I feel like the image is trying to tell me there are a lot of innocent people who need help and some support with their life, or they need to find a place like a shelter or something where they can live a proper lifestyle.