• The Date!


  • Photographs of any work you completed the week prior.
  • A description of what you did the week prior.

this week I cut the pattern out for my apron and the pockets of the apron and the strips and i cut the apron out and I cut the pockets and the strips and I pinned all of the edges of all of the pieces of my apron.

  • A reflection on how last week went: Did you meet your goal for the week? Did things go as expected? Would you change anything if you did it again?

last week I didn’t really do much or I didn’t really had some goals either last week.

  • A goal for the current week: What would you like to complete? What are your goals for your major project, your term-long inquiry project, and your collaborative presentation?

I would like to complete my apron and start something new by the end of the week.my goals for the long term project is to design something new and work hard on it to finish it. for my collaborative project I m trying to gather information and I m trying hard to finish it.

  • Anything else you think is important to add.

well not really that’s it for today πŸ™‚