Tag Archive | visualanalysis

HCE 9 – English Write

The arrival: The new country 

Respect, Collaboration or Inclusivity? 

I think that the message of this image is tied to inclusivity. The reason I chose inclusivity is because what I think is happening in this image is that 2 counties are coming together to make one country and that ties into inclusivity. It also ties into collaboration because when these 2 counties come together, they are collaborating to make a better place for everyone. So, this image ties into both inclusivity and collaboration. 

Deeper understanding: 

I think what’s happening in this image is that the 2 statues shaking hands represents 2 countries coming together into one to have a more peaceful environment and to make a strong country. I said I thought this image was about 2 countries coming together to make one country, and that is why I think the creator of this image chose a grey color scheme to show you that the 2 countries are now together and to let you see everything as one. 


  1. What I see when I look at this image. I see many things in this image. What I literally see is 2 big people shaking hands on top of 2 boats, a bunch of people watching, many more boats, a big city and it is all in grey. Symbolically, what I see is a new bond made between 2 countries.
  2. What does this image make me feel. This image makes me feel a sense of calm and peace. It also makes me feel that in the world peace can always be achieved and war doesn’t have to be an option for countries to settle things. 
  3. What I think this image this image is trying to say. I think this image is trying to say that in life, there is hate, but it can always be overcome by happiness and love, so when these two countries are coming together in this photo, it is trying to say just that.


I feel like I did well explaining what I thought the message was tied to, what I thought was going on, what I saw in the image, what it made me feel and what u thought the image was trying to say.