The Machine Stops Project















The techniques I used to create this poster are bandwagon, plain folks, and virtu words. I decided to create the poster from kunos perspective/the resistance group. The way I design the poster was to show that the earth is not as dark and muddy as Vashti describes so having Kuno walking out of the tunnel into an astonishing mountain range shows how beautiful and colorful the world is which is why plain folks fits in perfectly because if people who live in the machine see how beautiful the world is they will want to join the rebellion. As for band wagon I decided that I would connect the fact that the people and Kuno are waiting for “you” by saying we are waiting for you in the text. If the people in the machine believe that there are more of “us” on the surface, then they will feel more motivated to join the rebellion. As for virtu words I decided to say that the surface is not as dark as it seems, this gives the people the effect that something on the surface is waiting and it’s not just dirt and mud. Vashti talks a lot about how the world gives her no ideas and she does not feel as though earth is beautiful, which is why I decided to create a person walking out of a tunnel into a remarkable mountain range to show the people in the machine can see what is waiting for them. When attempting to create the text I thought it would be a good idea to connect the fact that there are more people on the surface so that people will feel less alone in their journey out. When thinking of the text for the poster I decided to make people feel that if the world isn’t so dark why are we down here in the machine.  

Word count: 322

E.M. Forster authored The Machine Stops, which is a dystopian science fiction novel predicting the future and what he believes the world will turn out to be if we continue to rely on machines and technology. Everyone says it is impossible to predict the future, but this author did just that. This novel has multiple connections with how the world is today, people sitting on their phones locked in their room not thinking for themselves. This is relevant today because the way humanity is going closely resembles what the world in this novel is like. In the novel Vashti says, “how we have advanced thanks to the machine” this shows that they believe that they are more advanced than ever by not having to think for themselves nor do they have to explore or get anything for themselves(pg.10). As for the world today, humanity believes that we are advanced and powerful with the technology that we have, but that is exactly what E.M. Forster predicted and warned us not to do. There are multiple dystopian characteristics in this novel such as taking away the people’s freedom, living in constant fear of the surfaces, they live in a dehumanizing state, the natural world is believed to be destroyed, and finally the people that are inhabiting the machine believe that it is the best way to live for the rest of their lives. This novel has numerous connections with the movie WALL-E produced by Andrew Stanton such as a world that is not habitable and all the humans in the world are stuck sitting down watching shows with anything they need a click away. The people in WALL-E closely resemble an animation of a human as a couch with McDonalds, KFC, Crispy Cream Donuts, soda, and medication being fed by a tube. Stanton made the characters so lazy and weak that no matter where they go the chair, they are sitting will take them there. Since multiple generations have lived on the aircraft it has made the current generation so bulky that they have lost muscle mass forcing them not to move and or get up. The connection with the world we live in now and the worlds that WALL-E and The Machine Stops are so similar it is scary, one can clearly see that teenagers are less active, less social, there are more “work from home” jobs and everyone cannot seem to stop scrolling. Vashti sees the world as dark and gross; she could fly across a beautiful, “golden sea, in which lay many small islands” and still get zero ideas from the earth (pg.11). Our generation does not go out, hike for fun, dig holes in the mud, or look around and see the earth we decide to sit on our phones and pass time with short-term dopamine hits. If we continue down this path, we will be proving Forster and Stanton correct with the amount of garbage, Co2 and the constant sitting on our phones will create a world that we can not inhabit and may not be able to be fixed and regenerated.  

Word count: 515