1984 Politics

The political spectrum is a 4 quadrant graph which has left and right on the x axis’s and authoritarian and libertarian on the Y axis’s. authoritarian is at the top of the Y axis’s and libertarian is at the bottom. this graph shows where different government party’s fall so Canada would fall some what in the middle. the difference between authoritarian and libertarian is that libertarian believes that everyone should have freedom but with authoritarian is that authority should be followed which is basically saying everyone should be following one government and has no freedom at all. the difference between left and right is that left sided party’s are more about being equal and making sure everyone gets the same amount of things and each get the right of a sort of freedom but if the party is really far left it is a communisms which is basically everyone follows one leader and everyone will still get equal food and equal jobs. for the right party’s it is more one man for themselves the party’s on the right do not want to pay as much for taxes want to support themselves and do not want to share their earnings with the community. personally I fell as though Ingsoc and Big Brother fall to the very far left and all the way at the top of authoritarian. the reason i think that they fall under this aspect because big brother and ingsoc are very into making sure everyone gets the exact same amount of chocolate, gin, cigarettes’, coffee. etc. big brother and ingsoc also like to make sure everyone are in uniforms for their jobs and that everyone are in order.