The Machine Stops Project















The techniques I used to create this poster are bandwagon, plain folks, and virtu words. I decided to create the poster from kunos perspective/the resistance group. The way I design the poster was to show that the earth is not as dark and muddy as Vashti describes so having Kuno walking out of the tunnel into an astonishing mountain range shows how beautiful and colorful the world is which is why plain folks fits in perfectly because if people who live in the machine see how beautiful the world is they will want to join the rebellion. As for band wagon I decided that I would connect the fact that the people and Kuno are waiting for “you” by saying we are waiting for you in the text. If the people in the machine believe that there are more of “us” on the surface, then they will feel more motivated to join the rebellion. As for virtu words I decided to say that the surface is not as dark as it seems, this gives the people the effect that something on the surface is waiting and it’s not just dirt and mud. Vashti talks a lot about how the world gives her no ideas and she does not feel as though earth is beautiful, which is why I decided to create a person walking out of a tunnel into a remarkable mountain range to show the people in the machine can see what is waiting for them. When attempting to create the text I thought it would be a good idea to connect the fact that there are more people on the surface so that people will feel less alone in their journey out. When thinking of the text for the poster I decided to make people feel that if the world isn’t so dark why are we down here in the machine.  

Word count: 322

E.M. Forster authored The Machine Stops, which is a dystopian science fiction novel predicting the future and what he believes the world will turn out to be if we continue to rely on machines and technology. Everyone says it is impossible to predict the future, but this author did just that. This novel has multiple connections with how the world is today, people sitting on their phones locked in their room not thinking for themselves. This is relevant today because the way humanity is going closely resembles what the world in this novel is like. In the novel Vashti says, “how we have advanced thanks to the machine” this shows that they believe that they are more advanced than ever by not having to think for themselves nor do they have to explore or get anything for themselves(pg.10). As for the world today, humanity believes that we are advanced and powerful with the technology that we have, but that is exactly what E.M. Forster predicted and warned us not to do. There are multiple dystopian characteristics in this novel such as taking away the people’s freedom, living in constant fear of the surfaces, they live in a dehumanizing state, the natural world is believed to be destroyed, and finally the people that are inhabiting the machine believe that it is the best way to live for the rest of their lives. This novel has numerous connections with the movie WALL-E produced by Andrew Stanton such as a world that is not habitable and all the humans in the world are stuck sitting down watching shows with anything they need a click away. The people in WALL-E closely resemble an animation of a human as a couch with McDonalds, KFC, Crispy Cream Donuts, soda, and medication being fed by a tube. Stanton made the characters so lazy and weak that no matter where they go the chair, they are sitting will take them there. Since multiple generations have lived on the aircraft it has made the current generation so bulky that they have lost muscle mass forcing them not to move and or get up. The connection with the world we live in now and the worlds that WALL-E and The Machine Stops are so similar it is scary, one can clearly see that teenagers are less active, less social, there are more “work from home” jobs and everyone cannot seem to stop scrolling. Vashti sees the world as dark and gross; she could fly across a beautiful, “golden sea, in which lay many small islands” and still get zero ideas from the earth (pg.11). Our generation does not go out, hike for fun, dig holes in the mud, or look around and see the earth we decide to sit on our phones and pass time with short-term dopamine hits. If we continue down this path, we will be proving Forster and Stanton correct with the amount of garbage, Co2 and the constant sitting on our phones will create a world that we can not inhabit and may not be able to be fixed and regenerated.  

Word count: 515

community connection

i chose to volunteer at old navy because it is an amazing opportunity it will show me how to work in the sales community also business and eventually i could become my own boss at my own store or at least get a batter job at a better store like Gucci or something cool like that. i feel like i am really passionate about this job because i have always love the style/clothing industry and getting a small job like this can bring me into so many more opportunity’s

the only thing you really need to work this job is good communication skills and knowing how to fold close use the register and restock the current skills i have for this job is my communication skills and of course knowing how to fold cloths. to be suitable for this position i will need to be of age of course and have a bank account ready.

HCE- English write

It’s a bird- Christian cooper
Anna Manship

I chose respect because the picture I chose shows how important respect is.
In this picture a lot of racism and white privilege and how some people have no respect for people of colour. In this picture he showed no emotion and wasn’t saying anything to the girl so the situation wouldn’t have to involve the cops. In the first picture it showed a white woman yelling at the man, when she was yelling at him it showed him thinking of all the people who had suffered from police brutality and I showed how it isn’t fair for people of colour and how they have to try and calm the situation down so they won’t have to involve police. When some one doesn’t have respect for some one then the world doesn’t function correctly. I think that it isn’t fair for a black man/woman to be scared to walk down the street, they should feel safe because police are there to help not to make the situation worse. In this picture it really shows how bad some people are and how bad some cops can be. We all need to learn how to respect each other even if there skin colour is different. I think this picture really shows that a lot of bad things happen that not many people see we only know about people dying to police brutality/racism we never actually see coloured people getting picked out of a big group on the news.
Over all I think we really need to help change the world for coloured people because it really isn’t fair for them to try the hardest to not escalate a situation so cops don’t get involved we really need to respect one another


PWR tech (Rube Goldberg project)

PWR tech
Part A
For research we didn’t really do anything we looked up a few videos to see how good people where at it and we also got some ideas from it but not to many because they where very advanced we where kind of just watching for fun. For design we first made a little drawing of what we wanted it to look like we then started to build it but kinda just ditched the drawing because Eric just likes to do trial and error.
For our materials we used hot wheels tracks a lot of cardboard marble race tracks we also used some wood to make some support for the cardboard. For construction we used x-acto knifes hot glue pencils and drills. When constructing the project we put it on a big cardboard pice and cut out rectangular shapes but we didn’t cut all the way to the top we stopped about 3 inches away from the top so the rectangles could pull out and become legs so the cardboard could stand up on its own. We made the project as like a side to side affect if that makes sense. There where a lot of mess ups that we had to fix but eventually everything worked out.

Part B
Some things that I learned from this project where that cutting through cardboard is actually pretty hard even with and X-Acto knife. I also learned that you can’t just plan something and it’s gonna work you have to put a lot of effort in and try a lot of new things, I thought it was going to be really easy and be done in like a day but it actually took a lot of effort. I learned that when you want something to work it doesn’t and then when you accidentally knock your project then that’s when it divides to work. I realized that actually putting everything together and using your brain to figure out how to make it work is actually a lot harder than it looks ex. Trying to make a pulley out of string and nails is really hard but it worked in the end

Part C
I think I should get a c+ or B because everyday I came in even though I was tired I still help and fixed things a lot of things when they weren’t working but I did miss some days but other than that I think I worked pretty hard I was on my phone some times but not when we where trying to fix things I was listening to Eric to figure out what he was trying to make which was really hard cuz his brain works some different type of way but we figured out what we where doing I listened to alivias and Eric’s ideas and they listened to mine and we worked it out the first few days where us making the back bored and me Eric and alivia had good ideas on how to stand it up and we kinda put all our ideas into one big one. So I think I deserve an B or C+ because I think I worked really hard but I can’t lie Eric did do a lot of the work like he had a lot of the ideas but I did help him glue and make things stand up and me and alivia both had really good ideas. I think Eric definitely deserves an A+++ and alivia deserves a C or C+ because she was on her phone a lot but she did put in a lot of effort

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Digital Footprint

How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities.

Your digital footprint can affect how people see you when you’re trying to get a job, they could search you up and basically know all about you. If you posted something when you were younger such as you drinking or smoking, new jobs can look at that and form an opinion around it. They can also look you up and find positive stuff such as helping the homeless or helping clean up the ocean and they might want to hire you even more.

Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

First you could make sure you don’t post anything bad like you at parties, second you could make your Facebook or Instagram private so only people that you let follow you can see your posts, third you could make an anonymous email for extra safety.

What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? 

I learned that it is really easy to find out a lot about someone just by looking up their name or looking at their Instagram so you should make sure all your social media is private and safe. You should never post anything with drinking or your friends drinking because it could really affect your life in the future. Just be safe, aware, and smart about what you post to the internet.

See the source image See the source imageSee the source imageSee the source image

See the source imageSee the source imageSee the source image

Oodit Jethwa Follow. (2015, July 23). DIGITAL FOOTPRINTS. Retrieved September 13, 2020, from

T, M. (1970, January 01). Digital Identity: The Big Bad Web & Why It Needs You. Retrieved September 13, 2020, from

Digital Footprint. (n.d.). Retrieved September 13, 2020, from

3 Tips Every College Student Can Use To Protect Their Digital Footprints. (2019, March 26). Retrieved September 13, 2020, from

Digital Footprints: What Do Your Footprints Say? (2019, July 29). Retrieved September 13, 2020, from

Digital footprints: Control how much the Internet knows about you. (2018, October 18). Retrieved September 13, 2020, from

Ostrikoff, L. (2013, July 23). How Your Digital Footprint Can Hurt You. Retrieved September 13, 2020, from

Staff, T., & Heick, T. (2020, January 23). 12 Tips For Students To Manage Their Digital Footprints. Retrieved September 13, 2020, from