project 6

For project 6 we were tasked with taking macro photos, this project was my favorite and i believe my best photos yet, i only picked one photo out of this project because of how well i pulled this off. i focused perfectly on tuning nob whilst also blurring out the other nobs as well as one can see the details in the strings which makes it that more intruging.

during this project i learnt how to focus in on a small object and make it look big as well as how to blur the parts i didn’t want in focus. this project was difficult but once i understood how to get the camera to focus in on what i wanted it to it was smooth sailing.

i was challenged a lot with focusing on the object i wanted in focus but other than that this project was not too difficult.

i really like how this photo expresses the details in the strings and shows the inner workings of a guitar close up. i don’t like how one of the tuning nobs is really close to the camera it obstructs the view of my focal point.

project 4

For project 4 we were tasked to create a double exposure time magazine cover. for this project i wanted it to have a nice message so i chose a sunrise to show that people don’t pay attention to them and that they should appreciate things about the world more.

i learnt how to do double exposure however it did not go very well, nor did it work how i wanted it to work.

i was challenged with morphing the sunrise photo with my subject as well as the photo of my subject came out to dark, and nothing blended well together.

i like the underlying message to this photo but it did not come out how i imagined and i just struggled a lot with this project.

Project 3

For project 3 i was told to take photos of different perspectives i chose these photos because it shows the two perspectives but kind of give off the same vibe. i really like the one of the flags because it also contains a little bit of the tree bring more aspects into the photo.

for this project it taught me that taking a photo from a low angle and a mid-angle changes a photo drastically and makes one more dramatic than the other. for this the flag photo looks gloomier and darker and the one of the flowers is more uplifting but at the same time you get the look of it being gloomy.

for me the most challenging part was finding things to take photos of but in the end i found things that caught my eye.

like i said before i enjoy the gloominess of the flag photo and how the tree kind of look like it’s the same size of the flag and like it kind of morphs together if that make sense

i feel like i could have make the flower photo my interesting and make it more like appealing but i do like how i used rule of thirds.

Project 1

For these pictures i was walking around with Thea through the leaves and thought this would look lovely with the leaves blurred and being focused on her, as for the second picture we were walking back to the school and saw a spider so we were like let’s see if the camera will let us take it and it worked. this was for project one and we would take photos for different shutter speed and aperture.

I learnt that it is super hard to take a photo of a object that is super small and have it in focus. and that you can take a photo and make it very intriguing just by having leaves or another object in the frame of the photo.

the most challenging part of this project was trying to get the spider in focus it would move, and the camera wanted to focus on the background, so it was difficult to obtain this photo.

i really enjoy the photo of Thea because it makes her look in a way mysterious as well as very interested in the tree kind of like Shes relaxed and enjoying nature which many people don’t do these days. i could improve the lighting a bit.


Photographers bio-scrap book

My name is Anna Manship, and I am interested in many things such as guitar and lots of music. I decided to take this course to expand my knowledge and maybe find a new passion.

In this course I learnt how to conform a proper photo Aswell as learn tips and tricks to make a photo more intriguing

I feel as though I am skilled at taking photos and do enjoy it however, I am not skilled with photoshop, and I don’t understand the different parts of the camera such as shutter speed and things like that, but overall, I enjoyed this course.

I struggled a lot with getting the lighting correct so i just kept the camera in auto mode. I was also bad at putting the projects together.

As for the future I know now how to take a proper photo with things like rule of thirds so I will try implement that when taking photos for insta or something.