propaganda in 1984

Propaganda is a way for a higher up and or government to control civilians in secretive ways. Propaganda appears through 1984 numerous times. we first see propaganda as soon as one would start reading. it is mentioned in the novel that big brother and ingsoc have telescreens in every room and outside. there are also posters littered through out the whole of Oceana. big brother also displays messages on the telescreens in a confusing way so that all of the civilians will listen and not disobey him. big brother also sends steamers (bombs) to the proles to instill fear in them. big brother has a thing called thought police who stroll around the city and make sure that no one is showing too much emotion making sure no one uses old speak and especially that no one is thinking of their pasts or of a way to stop big brother.

there are multiple propaganda techniques some that show up in 1984 are, cause and effect mismatch and stereotyping. firstly we have cause and effect mismatch which is to confuse your audience about what is really happening which we can see numerous times in 1984 with big brother and how he tries to confuse his follows to make sure that they do not catch on to what is actually happening. secondly we have stereotyping which is giving some one a bad label by using an easy to remember name we see this in 1984 because the lowest class of Oceana are called proles and no one really thinks to talk to them or even go to their part of the city

1984 Politics

The political spectrum is a 4 quadrant graph which has left and right on the x axis’s and authoritarian and libertarian on the Y axis’s. authoritarian is at the top of the Y axis’s and libertarian is at the bottom. this graph shows where different government party’s fall so Canada would fall some what in the middle. the difference between authoritarian and libertarian is that libertarian believes that everyone should have freedom but with authoritarian is that authority should be followed which is basically saying everyone should be following one government and has no freedom at all. the difference between left and right is that left sided party’s are more about being equal and making sure everyone gets the same amount of things and each get the right of a sort of freedom but if the party is really far left it is a communisms which is basically everyone follows one leader and everyone will still get equal food and equal jobs. for the right party’s it is more one man for themselves the party’s on the right do not want to pay as much for taxes want to support themselves and do not want to share their earnings with the community. personally I fell as though Ingsoc and Big Brother fall to the very far left and all the way at the top of authoritarian. the reason i think that they fall under this aspect because big brother and ingsoc are very into making sure everyone gets the exact same amount of chocolate, gin, cigarettes’, coffee. etc. big brother and ingsoc also like to make sure everyone are in uniforms for their jobs and that everyone are in order.

Indigenous Podcast- L-A Crime Busters- Patricia Carpenter MMW

In this podcast me and Lucas talked about a murdered 14 year old mother whos name was Patricia Carpenter. we dove in and talked about her background and where she was from, we talked about what happened to her how she was murdered, and what her family is doing now. we went into detail on her case and found multiple interesting things. this podcast is 8 minutes and 18 seconds of talking about this case. it was very horrible to find out the way police treats native people it is completely unfair to family’s that are grieving and just want to know what happened to their children.