HCE- English write

It’s a bird- Christian cooper
Anna Manship

I chose respect because the picture I chose shows how important respect is.
In this picture a lot of racism and white privilege and how some people have no respect for people of colour. In this picture he showed no emotion and wasn’t saying anything to the girl so the situation wouldn’t have to involve the cops. In the first picture it showed a white woman yelling at the man, when she was yelling at him it showed him thinking of all the people who had suffered from police brutality and I showed how it isn’t fair for people of colour and how they have to try and calm the situation down so they won’t have to involve police. When some one doesn’t have respect for some one then the world doesn’t function correctly. I think that it isn’t fair for a black man/woman to be scared to walk down the street, they should feel safe because police are there to help not to make the situation worse. In this picture it really shows how bad some people are and how bad some cops can be. We all need to learn how to respect each other even if there skin colour is different. I think this picture really shows that a lot of bad things happen that not many people see we only know about people dying to police brutality/racism we never actually see coloured people getting picked out of a big group on the news.
Over all I think we really need to help change the world for coloured people because it really isn’t fair for them to try the hardest to not escalate a situation so cops don’t get involved we really need to respect one another


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