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‘English 10’ Category

  1. Short Story to Screenplay – “The Tell-Tale Heart”

    April 17, 2023 by Anna

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    The Tell-Tale Heart Image of the old man

  2. Canadian Public Broadcasting

    March 6, 2023 by Anna

    Canadian Public Broadcasting

    Pubic broadcasting is a service involving radio, television and other electronic devices whose primary job is to provide information around the world to the public. For these broadcasts, funding mainly comes from taxes everyone has to pay. In Canada our broadcaster is CBC, also known as The Canadian Broadcasting Cooperation. Most of public broadcasters came in the interwar years, between 1920 and 1930, and they were used to give intel about the war all around the world. Public broadcasting comes with many advantages, such as diversity, free range appeal, and many different topics which are not opinionated. To some people, public broadcasting may be something they do not agree with because they do not watch the news but they still have to pay for it, even though the tax they pay for it is very little. Despite paying the taxes, public broadcasting appeals to the modern audience because of its diversity and truth unlike private broadcaster having to stick to what their sponsors want.

    CBC Logo and symbol, meaning, history, PNG

    CBC Logo


  3. Indigenous Podcast – Indigenous Survivors

    March 6, 2023 by Anna


  4. Speculative Fiction – “Secrets of Technology”

    February 16, 2023 by Anna

    The following images were made with StoryboardThat and is spoken about in the following paragraph.

    The following image was AI generated on DALLE. This image will be reflected and talked about in the following paragraph.









  5. Spotify Research Project

    February 7, 2023 by Anna

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