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HCE 9 Assignment

June 21, 2022 by Anna   

HCE 9- English Write | Adam's Blog

This is a painting titled “Assimilation vs. Inclusivity” and the artist is unknown. This painting includes the topic, inclusivity.

This painting shows how the indigenous culture fading into the new generation because the Canadian Government stripped away indigenous families and nations with their residential schools. In the picture to the right its very colorful and displays the uniqueness of the indigenous culture but on the left it slowly fades away in grey looking people, who almost don’t look real.

This painting gives off very sad emotions.  the residential schools turned these children into someone they weren’t, making them forget everything about their nations and background. The Canadian Government tried to hide it and cover up their evil actions. Now newer generations have been given Generation Trauma from the amount of terrible things their ancestors had gone through in the residential school.

I believe that this painting shows the very sad truth about how the Europeans stole the First Nations’ land and forced them to adapt to their European life style. By forcing them to cut their hair, not speak their language, and giving them food that was barely edible.

I notice sad, bored, non human looking children on the left in this painting, this painting is showing just how much these residentials schools affected these indigenous children for the long run and how much they have changed from these tragic events made by the Canadian Government.

The lighting is bright enough to show the sad expressions on their faces but it still looks dark somehow. There is a repeating pattern of a dull sad straight face almost filling the whole left side of the image.

First nations cultures include a lot of bright colors and monochrome, so I believe the right side of this painting defines the respected, honorable side of First nations cultures we all see and know of. Then there’s the dull grey left side which looks sad.

The government tried to hide both sides of the image because they were intimidated by First Nations enough to break them, they were intimidated enough to make them lose their Beautiful and honorable identity.


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