FlipBook – “The Biggest Moccasins in the World”

This is a flipbook I made which is analysing the short story “The Biggest Moccasins in the World” using PowerPoint and Flipsnack.

Read 2 comments

  1. Thank you for posting your flip book, showing your understanding of the piece of literature, “The Biggest Moccasins in the World.” Here are my observations regarding your work:

    – Excellent job transferring methods of presentation (PPT > PDF > Flip Book > Embedded blog post)
    – Book looks professional with a combination of both text and photos
    – Layout looks extremely professional with balanced photos, colour schemes, matching fonts, etc.
    – Great subheadings

    Overall, I thought you did an outstanding job on this project!

    Thank you,

    Mr. Barazzuol
    COL Teacher

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