Recently, I’ve been reflecting on LGBTQ+ community; about how aware people are on the subject. I am 100% accepting of all LGBTQ+ youth and never discriminate; although I know not everyone would agree; and there are some issues involving acceptance of LGBTQ+ people. This is a rising and ongoing issue the world is facing now, and people all around the world are trying to protect and educate about the right to express one’s self freely and openly to others. Over the weekend, I asked my parents several questions revolving about LGBTQ+ youth, and their opinions.
Are you aware that there are LGBTQ+ youth in our community and potentially attending your child’s school?
“Definitely! And we are totally and completely ok and accepting of that. It doesn’t matter what their sexual orientation is, they’re human like us and they do normal regular things like us as well.”
Do you have any concerns/negative opinions on the LGBTQ+ community/youth?
“No, not at all. We’re all the same.”
Do you think you have sufficiently educated your child about the LGBTQ+ community without a biased opinion?
“we’ve talked about it casually; but we’d never had enough knowledge ourselves to have a biased opinion on it. We feel like our child knows more than we do and is more aware of the terms and problems surrounding it by talking about in school and/or talking with peers.”
Do you agree with disownment of LGBTQ+ youth from their home/family?
“it’s unacceptable. We don’t understand why parents wouldn’t love their children for who they are; in tact, they should be the first people to accept them. Its not about being titled something; its just about being a human being. “
Would you accept your child to be LGBTQ+ if they came out, and would you defend them if they or you were harassed?
“one hundred and ten percent. If that’s what makes them happy and that’s who they are, we completely accept that. We love them for who they are and will never judge them.”
It was nice to discuss this topic with my parents and to see their views on LGBTQ+ youth, as I have learned a lot from their opinions.