“Drift Away” (Veldt poem project)

Here is my Veldt poem video project. This poem was inspired by one of the main themes in the story: alienation; how we as a species have drifted away from each other because of our obsessive use of technology. This concept inspired me, and my poem as well.

Enjoy my poem “Drift Away”. 



Good morning to you on this beautiful day,

But instead my bed is where I’d rather stay.

So I can clear up all my social media notifications;

I want to read all the comments for my own validation.


My phone is my life; I couldn’t live without it.

If it ran away, I’d have a midlife crisis.

I use it for the greater good, to connect with my friends,

But I end up all alone in the end.


It isn’t just me who suffers from this sickness,

We are all dealing with disconnectedness.

We think our screens bring us closer than ever,

But it pulls us apart; like a puzzle formerly together.


Which begs the question I’ve been dying to ask:

How much longer will this insanity last?

Will enough screeching pleas, despair, and oppression

Motivate us to stop our severe self – isolation?


I find myself more often than not

Alone in the galaxy, like a lost space rock.

I ponder if this device gives me joy or false hope;

If this is my happy place or where I dare not go.


Why do I feel so alone when I’m surrounded by others?

As if we are all slaves and technology is our captor.

When I go to bed, the next morning is what I dread.

Will I have this battle again?

I Don’t know. But until then,


I will drift off and away into the clouds

Where laptops and tablets are nowhere to be found.

I will dream of a better tomorrow

And with a sigh,

I close my eyes and pray to cure my sorrow.


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2 thoughts on ““Drift Away” (Veldt poem project)

  1. Thank you for posting your poetry project based on the short story “The Veldt,” a project for both English 9 and COL (ADL10). I have some observations regarding this piece on a technological perspective.

    – Editing and overall presentation is extremely well done!!!!
    – Love the animation…did you create this on your own?
    – Extremely creative layout of information that is aesthetically pleasing
    – Looks professional in format (music video style)
    – Poem is well-written and represented within the film
    – The visuals, text and audio is extremely suitable
    – Multiple categories highlight the short story through an excellent poem
    – Properly posted on your edublog!

    I hope that you enjoyed doing this project and learnt not only about poetry, but also how to use a new technological tool!
    Thank you,

    Mr. Barazzuol
    COL Teacher

    1. thank you Mr. Barazzuol! I did make the animation; I drew the images on my computer and used an animator app to put it together.

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