Tag Archives: IT10

Restaurant Sales Projection Spreadsheet IT 10

The main objective of this project was to create a sales projection spreadsheet for our proposed restaurant using Excel. Furthermore, we had to “decorate” our spreadsheet according to the theme of our restaurant.  For me the theme was Canadian so I had maple leafs into the spreadsheet.

Throughout this project, I learned new skills such as using different formulas and formatting skills. I also learned how I could drag down certain things in the column instead of typing it in by hand each time. (this would be extremely time consuming)

I most proud of getting the formulas I used such as “=randbetween” and “=average” right and not generate numbers that didn’t get mixed up.

Something that I could improve would probably adding some more charts and some more theme related objects to decorate the charts.

Here are some photos of the spreadsheet that I had created:

Spreadsheet 1

Spreadsheet 2



















Restaurant Menu IT10

The main objective of this project was to produce a restaurant menu for a proposed restaurant. The theme I decided on was Canadian food. So, My menu is Canadian themed,

Throughout this project, I learned how to use different styles, formatting, as well as good image and textbox placement skills.

I am proud of the style of the actual menu and how everything looks organized and in place. Another thing I am proud of are the colours because I felt that they matched up with the theme well and also made the text clearly visible at the same.

However, I could probably improve on adding some brief descriptions for each food item on the menu.

National Research Project IT10

The aim of this project was to use the skills we knew about MS Word plus the use of headings, styles, and images to create a tourists’ guide of a country of our choice. I chose France as the country to research and write about.

Throughout this project, I learned how I could use headings to collapse everything that was written below it, change a whole entire section of text using different shortcuts, and also format the picture so they look more professional.

I am most proud of the styles and different colours I used in the project. The colours I used were: red, blue and white; all the colours of the French flag.

However, I think that I could improve on the placing of the images and the formatting of the images a bit more so they are more consistent throughout the document.

Powerpoint Website IT10

The aim of this project was to use mouse-overs effects, hyperlinks, slide masters, and basic Powerpoint skills to create a mock-up of an existing website of my choice. I chose Yonex as my website to re-create.

Before starting this project, I only knew how to make basic slideshows on Powerpoint. However, during the process of making this website, I learned a few more advanced features on Powerpoint such as Slide Masters and Mouse Over effects that I had never used before. Now, looking back upon the project, I think that I have learned many new and useful things on Powerpoint.

A part of the project that I am most proud of would be the drop down menus. The drop down menus looked really professional when I finished the project but I have to admit, they were a bit tedious to build.

One thing that I could improve would be adding more drop down menus for each different category.

Blender Toy Representation IT 10

The aim of this project was to create a simple children’s toy using the basic skills of Blender learned in class. I chose to make a representation of a traditional tank.

Throughout this project, I learned how to manipulate and remodel different meshes (shapes) in Blender, how to add colour to objects and how to put together shapes to form something that looks similar to the real object itself.

I am most proud of the body and wheels of the tank that I created as I didn’t expect that I could produce something that didn’t look distorted or out of shape. The wheels were especially hard to model as some of them had to be in different sizes in order to make the tank look realistic.

Even though I am most proud of the wheels of the tank, I would consider adding treads to them in order to have a more realistic look to them.

Here are some photos of my project:

Tank Photo 1 Tank Photo 2