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Fairness Polls

Screen Shot 2016-05-18 at 10.19.24 PM

Question 1:
The questions is connected to the treaty right of schooling . 100% of the responses think that this part of the treaty is fair because they value schooling more and are willing to give up most of their land.

Question 2:

This question is connected to the treaty right of a certain amount of money. 66.7%% of the responses think that this part of the treaty is unfair because they are getting far less than what their land is worth.

Question 3:
This question is connected to the treaty right referring to the farming tools. 66.7% of the responses think that this part of the treaties are fair because you need the tools to be able to grow food.

Question 4:
This question is connected to the treaty right of the chest of medicine. 100% of the responses think that this part of the treaties is fair because medicine is required to be able to survive.

Question 5:

This question is connected to the struggling economy as the aboriginals gave up their land and kept their reserve lands.  66.7% percent of the responses think that this part of the treaties is unfair because why should you help the governement

Published inSocials 10

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