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Physiographic Regions

The St.Lawrence Lowlands had giant lakes that were formed by melted ice sheets, these drained and the old shoreline became bluffs. In between the bluffs and lakes are flat, rolling valleys that are extremely fertile and make up the rich land around Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River.

The Interior Plains consists of grasslands that are ideal for animals to graze. They are also covered with sedimentary layers that have been deposited over millions of years. Not only does the Interior Plains include flat prairies and farmland but is surrounded by river, and forests. This has formed rich soils and makes this region ideal for farming and raising animals.

The Cordillera contains a varity of mountains such as the Rockies and Coast Mountains. The erosion of the rivers and glaciers have created these mountainous landscape we see today. Plate tectonics also cause the cordilleras plateaus, valleys and trenches.
Published inSocials 10

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