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John Martin

John Martin 335

“Those near round me are well satisfied with their homes”

This shows us that those who have moved to Canada with John Martin are quite happy with their new living conditions.

“Emigrated to Canada, in order to avoid the oppressive laws of the states”

The quote tells us that Canada does not have the same oppressive laws as the states which appeals to many, and that Canada must be better if they moved out from the states

“It has been reported to us, that thousands of dollars have been raised for our benefit.”

People have been trying to help these refugees, perhaps to feed, to house, and to provide the basic needs for these people and trying to make life in Canada easier and better then the states.

“I was not sent to school in slave States, but have since learned to write, as witness my hand”

Here it tells us that he has learned to write since he has been in Canada, so there must be education here, as he was unable to do so in the slave states.

Published inSocials 10

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