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Five Themes of Poco

The absolute is the precise location thats on the globe. Port Coquitlam absolute location would be 49.2625° N, 122.7811° W. The relative location is the direction, time or distance from one place to another so Port Coquitlam would be 30 km or 40 minutes away from Vancouver.

The physical landscape is how the land was naturally formed, Port Coquitlam was with large bodies of water such as the Coquitlam river and the land is also filled with a lot of trees. The cultural landscape would be what man has made and visually impacted the environment. There have been many parks that has been placed in this environment alongside with businesses  and roads.

The formal region is the area that has been officially recognized as a location. Port Coquitlam is surrounded by Pitt Meadows and Coquitlam which is in British Columbia, Canada. The area that is created for activity uses is known as a Functional region. The Tri City News has placed Port Coquitlam in the Tri City region, they would use that area to distribute newspapers. The perceptual region is the area that is made in the minds of those who is very familiar with the area. People who live or from Port Coquitlam have in mind of where North and South Port Coquitlam is.

Globalization is the process of bringing new ideas in from a different area. In Port Coquitlam we have a hockey team, this idea was inherited from the NHL to perhaps encourage those who have an interest in hockey to practice and enhance their skills.

Human Interaction is how people adapt to, depend on, and modify their environment. People have adapted the Hyde Creek by making an annual visit to see the salmon swim upstream. But we have also modified the city greatly, we have replaced the trees with businesses throughout the entire city.



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