Week 5 – Math 10

Most of us know by now how to find the Volume or Surface Area (pick your poison) of a sphere. But, what do you do when you need to find the radius and are only given the Volume/SA?

Well, sit down and start reading on.

For Volume, take the volume and work backwards, starting with 4 over 3, in which you times by 3 then divide by 4, dive that by pi, and then find the cubed root of that.



With Surface Area, take the SA, divide that by 4πr^2, then find the square root of that.



Make sure to round your answers as well.

Ha, “round”, it’s funny because spheres.

Consequences of Irish Immigration


In this cartoon, you can see a morbidly obese Irish man dancing around drunkenly with a knife and cane. Littered about him are broken barrels of food and beer bottles. In the background is are two men, once most likely Uncle Sam.

This image depicts the Irish as lazy, drunken, fat useless monkeys, and shows how the Americans and presumably British disrespected and hated them.

Progress of Women’s Equality since the 1800’s

Today, in most countries, women have almost, if not the same, amount of equality as men. This is a direct contrast to the 1800’s, where women had no rights.

For example, marriage. Back in the 1800’s, “Romantic love was deemed less important than friendship and duty” (Horizons pg. 63), marriage was used for families to earn land, money, gifts, or status, as women would gain the class that their husband had. In a way, they were treated like objects. In today’s society though, marriage tends to be more about love, then gain, and both parties have a say, and make the decision. Along with that, people can decide to divorce, and it’s agreed by the two if they want to get divorced. Yet, in the 1800’s “Divorce did not exist” (Horizons pg. 63), so the marriage was a permanent deal, whether the women liked it or not.