Book Thief Response #3

Analysis #3

“A group of kids collected empty fuel containers/I collected humans” (Zusak 338) Like Death, the children are collecting. Instead of human souls though, the kids are collecting empty fuel container. The containers and souls are vastly different. The containers once held fuel, the souls originated from inside a body. Whereas the containers descend from above, then souls ascend to the heavens. The containers, when the were filled, were used to kill, whilst the souks gave life.


Quick-write #3

You will die. That is fact. Everyone will die eventually, no matter what. Everywhere we go, there is a chance of dying. We are haunted by death. “I am haunted by humans” (Zusak 550) Death haunts us, and we haunt him. Everyday people dor, and who must collect the souls? Death. Seeing how a person’s life has ended day by day is what affects him. See a corpse is hard. Seeing a charred body, mangled and mutilated limbs, or seeing someone beaten to a pulp, ledt to die alone in writhing agony, as they try to hold onto their last scraps of life? Even worse. In a way, you could say Death is haunted by himself as well.

Book Thief Response #2

Analysis Response #2

Max is a Jew in Nazi Germany. Which, during that point in time, Jews were went to concentration camps if they were caught. “Mein Kampf. Of all things to save him” (Zusak 160) Mein Kampf, an autobiography of Adolf Hitler. By having this book on hand Max can use it to lower the suspicions of others, as most would think that a Jew would not carry a book that described Hitler’s ideologies. Ideologies that are the reason Jews are being executed.



“90 percent of Germans showed unflinching support for Adolf Hitler. That leaves 10 percent who did not. Hans Huber Mann belonged to that 10 percent” (Zusak 63) This shows how Hans is different most others on Himmel street as he does not agree with Hitler’s views, nor does he fully bow down to the Nazi regime, as he makes choices that show he does not approve of Hitler. That said, it paints hin in a sympathetic light, as Hans still must go along with everything happening, or risk persecution.

Book Thief Response #1

Analysis Response #1

For the majority of us, colours are everywhere, just another part of life. For Death however, they serve a greater role. They serve as a distraction. A distraction from his job, to relieve the stress of it, for he cannot simply take a break, and no one could ever replace him. So he uses the distraction of colours as his makeshift vacation. Observing all the colours is what helps him relax, what helps him cope. As he puts it; “It keeps me sane”

Quick Write Response #1

When one thinks of a trustworthy person, the physical embodiment of death itself is generally not the first thing that pops into most people’s heads.           Most.                                                                 Yet, our only narrator is Death, who ironically does not give of any first impressions of being a malevolent force, outside of the basis being that he’s Death. He gains nothing from lying or adding changes to events, as he’s simply telling a story. If anything, the only real benefit is that by playing the role of a story teller, he has one other thing to distract him from the stress of his job.