
interview: The person I interviewed was one of my neighbors from my apartment building.  His name is Allen Friedrich, and he works for the Canadian Pacific Railway. He works as an engineer and transports goods all over the world.                                  … Continue reading Interview

currents from the kitchen

purpose: which fruit will produce the most electric voltage? hypothesis: the lemon will light the bulb. materials: voltmeter, 2 wires, lemon, bulb, nail, copper strip, and 2 different metals. procedure: light the lightbulb. reasoning: to see if lemon lights lightbulb, the lemon should light the bulb because of the acid inside the lemon. answer: the … Continue reading currents from the kitchen


The person I interviewed was one of my neighbors from my apartment building.  his name is Allen Friedrich and he works for the Canadian Pacific railway: facts: he works as an engineer and transports goods all over the world.                                  … Continue reading interview