Canada Maritimes climate change project link

Canadian Maritimes, causes and effects for climate change

Like a lot of places, climate change is effecting the Maritimes of Canada. Since people are polluting everywhere, the ozone layer is being damaged which means it’s getting warmer. This causes the giant mountains and long sheets of ice in Greenland (which isn’t green) to melt because of the heat. This in-turn causes our oceans to get deeper and warmer because there isn’t enough ice to keep it cool. It might sound fun to have a gigantic world-wide swimming pool that’s nice and warm enough to swim in without wondering if you’ll get frostbite when you first jump in, but when you find out the warm water is killing sea life, you’ll start feeling guilty. Not only is the water going to get warmer, but it’s also going to be acidic to swim in because of all the CO2 coming from factories that burn trees and fossil fuels. This is why we need trees; they take the CO2 out of the air and turn it into oxygen so we can breathe. But we keep cutting them down for building and burning purposes. Same goes for fossil fuel, our planet is using it up to fast and we are running out of it.


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