Music used in the documentary Free Horror Ambience (Dark Project) – YouTube Nightfall: Cool & Smooth Jazz Classics 1920s 30s & 40s (Past Perfect) Relaxing jazz music – YouTube
Category: Grade 10
1984 Propaganda Poster
Photos from: 3.5 million+ Free Stock Photos for Download – Pixabay – Pixabay
Ipad babies music:
Residential School Word Cloud
This word cloud is a visual representation of the graphic novel, “Sugar Falls” by David Alexander Robertson and Scott B. Henderson. The words on the word cloud are themes that were mentioned in the book and real life occurrences that Indigenous people in Canada had to face.
Speculative Fiction
“Mom and Dad” by Andrea Meza “Mom and dad”- Image created by DALL*E
Speculative Fiction
The short film, “Children” by Takuya Okada covers the importance of freedom and individuality. It is set in an oppressive society that promotes intense order and repetition. Children in schools aren’t allowed to speak up for themselves, get a grade under 100%, or just do anything out of the school’s extremely repetitive schedule. In the […]