
“The Arrival: The New Country,” created by Sean Tam 

I found this image very intriguing, when I first looked at the picture, I found it a bit confusing. In the image, it looks like there is a group of people arriving in a big city. They all stare in awe at two big statues shaking hands, at their feet they both had various objects placed on each of their sides. One of them seemed to have a teacup, a briefcase, a vase, and a bowl with something that looks like some fruit. The other one had a tea pot and a few woven baskets. I perceived these two statues as “the American dream,” the vision that the immigrants have of a promising future away from their home country. The statue with the briefcase represents that future, that vision of success and abundance, the other one with the tea pot represents them working to accomplish that dream. I also think that the cup and the teapot represent privilege. The businessperson statue has a teacup, and the immigrant has the teapot, meaning that the immigrant is going to serve the businessperson. I do not mean that the immigrant is going to become a servant, what I am trying to say is that they will belong to the lower class working in low paying jobs to maintain the higher class. For example, a substantial number of immigrants work in plantations under the heat all day, or in factories getting paid less than minimum wage. Looking at the image made me a bit sad, I am an immigrant myself and I understand how sad it can be to leave home and start from zero in a new country where you do not speak the language or know anyone. I watched my parents struggle our first few years here so me and my sister could have a better life, better than the one they had back in Mexico. This is what I saw in the image.    

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