Leonard Harrord (339)
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Source: http://www.inmotionaame.org/texts/viewer.cfm
1st Quote:
“…We suffered all the winter for things we left on the way…”
~This quote shows that Canada had very cold temperatures during winter time. The refugees had nothing for bedclothes at night, so they slept in their day clothes. No doctors were available back then; they would get sick, thus they had to suffer for long periods of time.
2nd Quote:
“A man can get more information in Canada about slavery, than he can in the South. There I would have told you to ask master, because I would have been afraid to trust a white man. “
~This quote shows that Canada had a freedom of speech. You were able to have your questions answered by anybody. On the other hand, in the South, a slave was only able to communicate with its master because white man were not to be trusted.