Prior to reading this article I was aware that many things are fake on the internet, however, like almost all people, I too am susceptible to being tricked by posts that can look extremely credible despite being completely made up. The article made me kind of upset as...
Social Media is a platform for many things other than just love. From online bullying taking a stand to online trolls hounding politicians for simple slip ups, social media is a tool that used and abused alike. In this article by reporter Robson Fletcher the growing...
From that cascade of colorful bars at the side of your favorite magazine to the confusion you face upon realizing the worst toothpaste you ever used was recommended by 100% of dentists. Statistics seemingly embody opinions of the masses even though they may be so...
All About Exponents A few explanation videos are imbedded but most videos are through a link because they exceeded the upload size. Represent repeated multiplication with exponents Repeated multiplication means a certain number being multiplied any number of...