new media 11 Thinglink Project In New Media 11 we spent time discussing themes related to media polarization, apathy/empathy, and single stories. Each with insightful applications to the real world. Using this information we created a Thinglink, embedded below, that...
new media 11 The Internet is Awesome Here is my New Media 11 project in which we explored and curated our online identity, from my passions to favorite quotes, here it all is. Check it...
What are some things you have learned and/or tasks you have accomplished this semester? What are some things you have been involved with supporting the school? (Use videos, pictures, upload materials etc. as evidence of learning in your blog) This semester I was quite...
What are some things that were challenging? During this assignment, I learned how to use the Cricut heat press and heat transfer vinyl to create simple cutouts for fabric, and also worked on photo selecting skills. I used the photo selecting skills when choosing the...
The world was once green It still is – In a way Except it’s the mind that’s green now Green greed Dollar sign pupils Designer model peoples I can’t tell What we want more Life or luxury A life of luxury? But is it really living When the other side’s...