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The Process

    To convert The Sound of Thunder from a narrative to a descriptive screenplay; I used many different techniques. Beginning with simplifying and understanding the description used in the original Sound of Thunder and condensing it into the slug line depicting the scene in my screenplay. I then altered the dialogue to greater reflect the personalities of each character and added extra depth with parentheticals reflecting the auras of each character. I made sure to use concise language when describing and word choice that reflected the ambiance and atmosphere the characters were in. I thought of the story as a movie instead and added scene changes when I pictured the actors moving into a different room. In movies you must also consider that viewers cannot see, as they can read in a typical story, the feelings and emotions of the characters so I had to accommodate the character’s language and actions as a reflection of their personalities. Throughout this project I learned the importance of concise yet descriptive language and how it adds depth to the imagery and scene as well as how different two forms of writing can be despite being based off the same original plot, scenes, and characters.