Two swiped

and swiped

and swiped

but never,


Perfect had promised a match

But it seemed things got complicated when two was added to the equation

Her bio said unique

Numbers read it as ‘ a freak’

Her picture half a heart

A mismanufactured part

Two peered outside her window and saw

Proud primes

Composite composure

Perfect halves completing eachother

But her…

She was an error, an even prime


No, not even odd

Just incorrect

If only one could understand

Just then the doorbell rang

She answered with a sad sigh


It was a guy

Tall and lanky

A little clumsy


“Sorry if you’re busy”

“I seem to have gotten lost”

She invited him in

And within a min

They were friends

Days passed

One talked of his journeys

Two shared her tales

And suddenly,

Things seemed a little less lonely

“I am neither prime nor composite”

One said another day

“I am even and prime, but I’m my own kind”

Two started to say

Time flew and one and two fell in love

“You know,”

One said

“We are –

even and odd,

simple but special

I think we may be the most important numbers of them all.”

  • Ammarah S