Ammarah Siddiqui
English 10
10, September 2019
Mr. Barazzuol
What is New Media?
This paragraph has been peer edited using formal writing techniques.
From double tapping a post about current events on Instagram to tuning out to the latest music on Spotify, new media has changed the way people consume information and ideas. Media is the plural of medium, an outlet by which ideas, opinions, and information can be passed from producer to consumer. New Media surpasses this definition into a zone of on demand content, Media that can be accessed at any given time. Often known as Web 2.0, New Media has become a two way interactive communication where the consumer can reply or comment on media, enhancing the experience. However, it is rare for all media to be acquired from a single source. Different devices are used and news may come from a variety of applications and publishers. This is known as fragmented media intake, media coming from an abundance of sites and applications. With the sunrise covered in likes, media can often become toxic and unhealthy, in need of management. Created by Faris Yakob, the Media Pyramid showcases what types and sources of media are ‘healthier’ to intake compared to others and how we lean towards, “the easiest most sugar-salty-fatty things, if given the sort of non-conscious choice,” Faris says,” (Donovan, 2018). Which, in media terms, are the unhealthy news sites and channels toward the top of the pyramid. The pyramid also demonstrates that it is healthier to use media forms that one is more in control of, rather than being rapidly fed information, that is sometimes even false. The healthiest media consists of books, art, theatre, etc. and are categorized because one is choosing their perception of the medium, and interpreting it. Taking personal media consumption into consideration is vital for progressing into a future of healthier content, differentiation between mediums and their level of toxicity, and trusting the correct sources for your information in this ever changing world.
This is the original paragraph pre editing before peer editing formal writing techniques.
From double tapping a post about current events on Instagram to tuning out to your favorite music on Spotify, new media has changed the way we consume information and ideas. Media is the plural of medium, an outlet by which ideas, opinions, and information can be passed from producer to consumer. New Media surpasses this definition into a zone of on demand content, Media that can be accessed at any given time. Often known as Web 2.0, New Media has become a two way interactive communication where the consumer can reply or comment on media, enhancing the experience. However, it is rare for all media to be acquired from a single source. Different devices are used and your news may come from a variety of apps and publishers. This is known as fragmented media intake, your media coming from an abundance of sites and applications. With the sunrise covered in likes, media can often become toxic and unhealthy, in need of management. Created by Faris Yakob the Media Pyramid showcases what types and sources of media are ‘healthier’ to intake compared to others. The pyramid demonstrates that it is healthier to use media forms that you are in more control of, rather than being rapidly fed information, that is sometimes even false. The healthiest media consists of books, art, theatre, etc. and are categorized because you are choosing what to see it as, interpreting it through your own lens. Taking your media consumption into your own hands and differentiating between what is forced upon you and instead interpreting the source and the content will make media consumption healthier for you on a daily basis.

From –
Thank you for your excellent blog post discussing the topic of “New Media.” I have read your response and have the following feedback for you.
– Excellent introductory and concluding sentences
– You outline what “New Media” is and you highlight several valid examples to illustrate your understanding
– You show how media usage/consumption is fragmented and how we use different hardware and software for different purposes
– You clearly outline ways to consume media in a healthier manner.
– Avoid first and second person pronouns in academic writing
Thank you,
Mr. Barazzuol
English Teacher
That image is so moving.