Midterm Self Assessment and Goal-Setting

My Strengths and Weaknesses 

One of my strengths in Chemistry would be Atomic Theory. I am good at this because I found it easy to understand and memorize the basic concepts such as atomic structure, subatomic particles, Bohr diagrams, and more. I know that this is one of my strengths because I was able to explain various theories about the world of Atomic Theory to my friends. I was able to answer every question thrown at me and I am happy with my mark on my final Atomic Theory test.


Something I can get better at is drawing the bonding between the elements in the molecule. This is one of my stretches because it involves my understanding of electronegativity, electron sharing, and the VESPR shapes. Along with that, figuring out when to use double bonds, triple bonds, and lone pairs needs a lot of critical thinking and thinking outside the box. To achieve this goal, I will work harder to understand the requirements and how bonding works. I will attend peer tutoring after school in the library to fully grasp the concept.

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