Collaboration Fluency Project – Safety Around Live Broken Wires

In this video, we will be exploring the dangers of live broken wires.


Overall, I think we did a good job on our project. We wrote the script within a reasonable time frame, found a good day to film, and got it done. Our team got along well, so we were able to equally distribute the tasks and work together efficiently.

Although we did a good job collaborating, some parts of the video still have room for improvement. For starters: I noticed that although we had a wide variety of facts included in the video, we could’ve elaborated more on the information. We also could’ve picked a better day to film (as it was very windy), or tried re-filming the hard-to-hear parts.

We’re all glad to have participated in the making of our “Safety Around Live Broken Wires” video, and hope that we can apply these suggestions to any similar ADL assignments in the future.

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