Science App Review – Solution Fluency/ADL

Science App Review

1)  Consider a problem that could be solved by a useful app for your device. 

  • In science class, we’ve recently been doing a lot of work involving the periodic table, electron arrangements, ionic charges, and scientific  formulas. When I finish my worksheets, I like to look over my work and make sure everything is done correctly. In order to do this, I often have to search for the answer online, and go through a huge process of sorting through the ads and other useless information displayed on some websites. I’m able to find simple formulas (like sodium chloride, for example), but when I’m looking for a more complex formula, it takes me quite a long time to find the right answer. It takes me about 3 minutes to do all of that and double check my work: 3 minutes that I could have used to find 2 other formulas. When I have 50 questions to complete, this isn’t practical at all. I just don’t have the time and energy to do it.

2)  Brainstorm possible solutions to the problem. 

I could…

  • Find an online program (does not fix the ad problem)
  • Memorize everything (could be a challenge)
  • Ask someone for help (there isn’t always someone available)
  • Find an app that allows me to find scientific formulas quickly and efficiently

3)  Find an app that attempts to solve the problem.

  • I found an application called “equate”. It’s one of the few  formula calculators in the app store, and it also seems to be the best choice (based on the other apps’ descriptions). I’ve decided to download it and see if it will help me.

Below is a brief introduction video to “Equate”:

4)  Use the app. Run through it and see how it can help you regarding your Science class. Try to push the app to its limits, then create a review of the app.  

I’ve just downloaded it, and I have some feedback.

I really appreciated the layout of the app. When you first open it, there are some videos you can watch to tell you about it, and it’s really easy to find everything you’re looking for.


I don’t have to go on a wild goose chase to find the chemistry section, there aren’t any ads obscuring my screen, and it’s overall very simple to use.unknown-1

If I hadn’t been looking for a formula calculator, I would have loved this app. It has all kinds of subjects you can study and learn about (like math, physics, chemistry and economics). I can add fractions, read about circle circumference, find cube volumes, and lots more. I like it a lot, but I just couldn’t find what  I was looking for.

Just because I couldn’t find a formula calculator doesn’t mean it’s not a good app. It could prove to be really handy when we start to do more complicated things in science, and I will definitely use it when I’m doing my math homework.

If I had to rate this app with stars, I would give it 4.5 stars. If they made some changes and added the formula calculator, it would be 5 stars.


5)  Debrief the quality of the process you went through 

  • To reflect on my review, I think I did a fairly good job adding media and going through the process of solution fluency, so I would change anything there.
  • I suppose I could have chosen an app that is more science-based and less generalized. If I had researched in more detail, I might’ve been able to find an app directed more towards science-related things, but from browsing the app store, all I could find was Equate. Although it wasn’t what I was looking for, I’m glad to have found it.


2 thoughts on “Science App Review – Solution Fluency/ADL

  1. Great App Review. You have outlined the Solution Fluency while sharing excellent details about your app. You not only debriefed the app but the Solution Fluency process you carried out as well. Awesome work!

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