Week 7 – Precalc 11

In Precalc 11 this week, we learned how to solve using the quadratic formula. Solving using the quadratic formula is one of the three ways to solve an equations, but this method will always get the right answer when solving. The only difficult part of using the quadratic formula is remembering what it is. Once […]

Week 6 – Precalc 11

This week in Precalc 11 we learned more about solving quadratic equation with factoring. We used our previous knowledge from the unit before on factoring and used it to hep us with solving quadratic equations. To be able to tell whether an equation is linear or quadratic is with the degree or exponent. You can […]

Week 5 – Precalc 11

This week in Precalc 11 we had our second unit test on radical operations. We spent a lot of the time during the week reviewing for the test and doing lots of practice, but we were able to start talking and doing some work on our third unit which is solving quadratic equations. Most of […]

Week 4 – Precalc 11

I learned how to rationalize a monomial and binomial fraction in Precalc 11 this week. When dealing with fractions the denominator has to be a positive number, not a square root, so we learned how to take away the square root in the denominator. Here are two step-by-step examples of rationalizing the denominator for a […]

Week 3 – Precalc 11

In Week 3 of Precalc 11 we had our first unit test and then we switched to unit 2, roots and radicals. We just started this unit and and I have already learned a few different concepts, one of them being adding and subtraction roots. The first thing to know when you are looking to […]

Week 2 – Precalc 11

In week 2 of Precalc 11 we focused on fractional exponents and being able to solve questions where the exponents are positive and negative.  When you have a number with an exponent that is 1/2, it will always be the square root of the number. For example if you have 100^1/2 it would be 10 […]

Week 1 – Precalc 11

In my first week of Precalc 11 we did a lot of review from previous years, but one new thing that I learned was about mixed and entire radicals. An entire radical is when you have a coefficient of  1 (the one is invisible so you don’t have to write it in front), and a […]