Week 16 – Precalc 11

This week in Precalc 11 we learned sine and cosine laws in the trigonometry unit. These laws are used for triangles when there isn’t a right triangle. In this blog post I will be focusing only on the sine law. Sine law can be used to find the side length of a triangle or an […]

Week 15 – Precalc 11

This week in Precalc 11 we started Trigonometry and learning about angles in all quadrants, where in Math 10 we only used quadrant one to solve angles. We started by changing SOH CAH TOA into its new form. Sinθ=y/r, Cosθ=x/r, Tanθ=y/x. Since we have started using all quadrants, when we have to solve for theta […]

Week 14 – Precalc 11

This week we worked on applications of Rational Expressions before we had our unit test, and the we worked on some review of grade 10 trigonometry. In this post I will talk about the applications of the Rational Expressions and an example of one equation. Applications of Rational Equations are word problems where you are […]

Week 13 – Precalc 11

This week in Precalc 11 we worked on solving rational equations using fractions. For this I was able to apply my previous knowledge from units to solve the fractions. We talked about two different ways to solve the equation, one of them being cross multiplying and the other one is finding a common denominator. There […]