Week 8 – Precalc 11

This week in Precalc 11 we had another unit test and it was on solving quadratic equations. During the week we did a lot of review on the three different ways to solve them before we did out test which was on Wednesday. After we finished the test we spent the rest of the week on learning graphing quadratic equations.

We started by going over some review from previous years about graphing linear equations and comparing them to quadratic equations. I learned about the different parts of the equation and what they mean and how to tell whether the parabola of the graph is going to be facing up or down.

If you have 2 equations like this:

The first one is going to have a minimum point, meaning that the parabola will be facing up and be on the top half of the graph. The way you are able to tell if it is going to be a minimum or a maximum is by looking at whether the leading coefficient is a positive or negative. Positive is minimum and negative is maximum. Since the leading coefficient is a 2 that means the the stretch is going to be +2, meaning that is how much it will go up by. The -5 is the y-intercept, which we learned it Math 10.

The second equations is going to have a maximum point because the coefficient is negative, and since it is a -3 that means the the stretch is going to be 3. The y-intercept is going to be +2.



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