I love your video Alyson and Raiyah! It is very informayive and very well edited! Your interview is very well done! Good job Alyson!
I love your video Alyson and Raiyah! It is very informative and very well edited! Your interview is very well done! Good job Alyson!
Alyson, the questions you asked were very detailed and helpful! Good job!
Thanks for showing your Connections-based Learning with us. I really appreciate how you embedded your video into your digital portfolio. I love how you utilized the connections that you have to learn about electricity. Great work!
I love your video Alyson and Raiyah! It is very informayive and very well edited! Your interview is very well done! Good job Alyson!
I love your video Alyson and Raiyah! It is very informative and very well edited! Your interview is very well done! Good job Alyson!
Alyson, the questions you asked were very detailed and helpful! Good job!
Thanks for showing your Connections-based Learning with us. I really appreciate how you embedded your video into your digital portfolio. I love how you utilized the connections that you have to learn about electricity. Great work!