Chemistry 11 Midterm Assessment


A strength I had with the Atomic theory unit was the orbital diagrams because I felt that I understood the proper format and was able to draw them for various different elements. A weakness I had with Atomic theory unit was remembering the periodic table trends as I found it a little confusing to remember the different properties and definitions.

A strength I had with the Bonding unit was identifying polar, nonpolar, and ionic bonds. I felt like I had a good understanding of each type of bond and so could apply knowledge to different questions. A weaknesses I had with the Bonding unit was drawing the VSEPR diagrams. I found the different shapes confusing at the beginning and struggled with knowing whether the bonding pairs went in the front, back, or side.

A strength I had with the Mole Unit was the empirical and molecular formulas. I felt like I understood the steps to get the formulas and did lots of practice to become efficient at it. A weakness I had with the Mole Unit was learning significant figures. It took me a while to understand what counted as a sig fig and how to round my answer based on that, especially with some of the exceptions. 

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Science 10 Final Self Assessment

Pillar 2: Collaboration and Problem-Solving

My current strengths within this pillar are: I show support and encouragement to others, I always give my best effort and strive to be my best for the group, I actively listen to all group members, and I am open to different strategies.

Areas I could show grow are checking in with my group members more during labs and shared assignments, as well as learning to embrace mistakes as opportunities for learning.

My goal is to review the wrong questions I got on tests or assignments and correct them, as well as figure out what I could do next time to avoid it from happening again. I can do this to prevent me from hyper fixating on my mistakes and understand that there’s takeaways I can receive from them to grow and improve.

Final Assessment

  • Reflect on your goal setting from your Midterm Self-Assessment: did you reach your goal? Did you improve and make progress towards your goal? How could you have done things differently? Would you have changed anything?

I think I somewhat reached my goal. Before major tests, I tried to review any mistakes I made during the unit and redid past assignments which helped me do well on my exams. I don’t think this really prevented me from focusing so much on my mistakes though. To work on that, I think I would’ve given myself targets to reach for exams. By having an attainable score to reach would give me something to celebrate and focus on that achievement instead of mistakes.

PHE 9 Core Competency Reflection

This Core Competency Reflection is based on critical thinking and communication skills.


In the Substance Abuse Role Play project, I used critical thinking to create and develop responses to my given scenario that peacefully resolved the conflict and kept previous relationships intact. I found it a bit challenging at first to work around these limitations because it was easy to just have the character break off the relationship instead of preserving it yet setting the boundaries. So, I had to use critical thinking to figure out how to incorporate the strategies in a way that would match up closer to real life scenarios and followed the requirements like coming up something similar to Tylenol, yet not deadly, to keep both groups happy. In the project I also used communication skills to collaborate with my groupmates so we could act out a satisfactory skit. While we were creating the script, we discussed who would have what role and asked each other what we each wanted to say so that everyone was happy with it before we filmed. We did have differing ideas on the filming and editing aspect, like what we should include, as well as how to create a negotiation solution, but we managed to work it out peacefully, which resulted in a filmed skit we’re all satisfied with.