Chemistry 11 Midterm Assessment


A strength I had with the Atomic theory unit was the orbital diagrams because I felt that I understood the proper format and was able to draw them for various different elements. A weakness I had with Atomic theory unit was remembering the periodic table trends as I found it a little confusing to remember the different properties and definitions.

A strength I had with the Bonding unit was identifying polar, nonpolar, and ionic bonds. I felt like I had a good understanding of each type of bond and so could apply knowledge to different questions. A weaknesses I had with the Bonding unit was drawing the VSEPR diagrams. I found the different shapes confusing at the beginning and struggled with knowing whether the bonding pairs went in the front, back, or side.

A strength I had with the Mole Unit was the empirical and molecular formulas. I felt like I understood the steps to get the formulas and did lots of practice to become efficient at it. A weakness I had with the Mole Unit was learning significant figures. It took me a while to understand what counted as a sig fig and how to round my answer based on that, especially with some of the exceptions. 

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