
This poem has a strong voice running through it. How would you describe the speaker’s mood? Joyful and maybe questioning when he says “but you don’t tell her she’s too […]

Journal entry #5 What is a “negative Utopia”? Give evidence from “Harrison Bergeron” that supports this idea. (1) Orwell was not the first writer to write about corrupt governments, but […]

Journal entry # 3 Harry’s line to Anna “It’s a case of retarded development” later became foreshadowing because Anna doesn’t want a new house she doesn’t want to deal with […]

Alina Mashanlo What It Takes To Be An Older Sibling My traumatic experience begins on a family Vacation with my younger sister, my mom, and dad to Osoyoos on August […] Click on that link if you wanna see earth without a moon   This project was made By: keishan2015  (Keisha) and Me (Alina)

1.Identify the three types of space probes, and describe the purpose of each. interplanetary probes- fly by celestial bodies. orbiters- they are placed in orbit around a celestial body. landers- […]

The book I chose to do my project is called sold by Patricia Mccormick. I have found quotes and made them more understandable because people might not understand the book […]

table of the expansion that occurred when blowing the balloon  my name is jeff In this lab we learned about the expansion distance in the universe and the dots represent […]

edible DNA

In Science we created DNA models made out of twizzlers, marshmellows,and toothpicks. The Twizzlers represent the sugar/phosphate backbone, the marshmallows are the chemical bases (green: Guanine, pink: Cytosine, yellow: Adenine, […]