Narrative Poem


The hunger, the pain, I want to complain

About how I’m trapped in my cage of broken promises and rage

All I want is that goddamn carrot

I fight for that carrot, for it is my right

No man or hat or handkerchief will take it out of my sight

This man, you see, doesn’t know what it’s like

To be some show item, some display, but I’m not that type

He doesn’t know what he has coming

The things I will do will have him running

The crowd all cheers as he reaches into his hat

But this trap over here will turn his hand flat

I try to play nice but he uses my weaknesses against me

So I throw at him eggs the ones that he first sent me

Once he finally nearly gets his head blown off

And has sparks electrocuting his magical pants off

I lift him up really high in the sky

Just to save my so-called “master” instead of saying goodbye

Once he’s grateful for my heroic action

The audience shouts out a delightful reaction

He gives me what’s mine and my hunger is appeased

And then we’re good and everyone is pleased

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