DOAS Monologue

“I am a young adult who can’t find a right path to fulfill my yet to start future. In the past I was a popular, well known, football player that committed many crimes such as stealing footballs and sand from construction sites. I have never graduated High school because my math teacher flunked me and I was about to enter summer school to re-due that subject but figured that I would visit my dad in Boston and break the news to him since he favored me better than my brother, Happy Loman, and had so much high expectations for me. That idea caused my father’s and I’s relationship to become unstable because I had caught him having an affair with another woman and being unloyal to my mother. After that incident I moved out of my parents house and began working on farm, I was financially unstable and had no confidence to become a traveling salesman just like my father expected me to. I am currently single but like to play with women and am struggling to find and obtain a well paying job. I am Biff Loman.”

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