Socials Confederation (Newfoundland)

  • What colony did you represent?
  • I represented Newfoundland.
  • What did you feel were the biggest or most important issues for your colony?
  • Our biggest issues were having a connection with the colonies so we could get a navy to protect us from the U.S. Another issue was that we wanted a ferry system so we could connect to the other colonies.
  • What strategy did your group come up with to deal with those issue?
  • We decided to pay more for the ferry and navy then the railway and the other colonies will help deal with the French taking our fish and economic fuel so we could trade and make a better connection with the other colonies.
  • Did you have to make any concessions during the negotiation phase? If so, what agreements or concessions did you come up with?
  • We didn’t have any concession with the other colonies we agreed on everything that would make the colonies better. One main one was same currency.
  • Were you happy with the outcome of the confederation debates?
  • Yes we were pleased on how the debate turned out and how many of our proposals were agreed to.
  • What is one thing you wish had happened differently with the final results and why?
  • We wish we could have paid less for the railway because it doesn’t really benefit us since we live on a rough landscape and a railway couldn’t really connect to us.

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