
Journal entry # 3

  1. Harry’s line to Anna “It’s a case of retarded development” later became foreshadowing because Anna doesn’t want a new house she doesn’t want to deal with the stress of money and when harry tells Anna that Anna is behind on development of not wanting a new house and not being like any other wife but when the family buy the new house it’s actually Harry who needed to figure out by himself that their family was already developed and him wanting (buying) the house Harry just took a step towards of “a case of retarded development”.
  2. Epiphany= An insight into reality or essential meaning of something.

So when Harry wants to buy the new house he imagines a normal life with his family and a sense of “reality” (to fit it). On page 21 when Harry says “They don’t have to be dragged, screaming and kicking into middle class and middle age. They take pleasure in it.” It is a sign of epiphany because he wants his wife (Anna) to have a glimpse into a normal reality and live in the future.

3. In the short story, “House”, rule uses irony and puts sarcasm into the characters attitudes to develop the conflict like when Harry and Anna were arguing, Anna takes on the more male role by ignoring Harry and kept working “Then she went back to her hammering…” (pg.21). Harry taking a more feminine approach by trying to convince his wife to get a new house and upgrading into middle class. Rule uses situational irony because it is the opposite of what you expect by switching the gender role in Anna and Harry another example of situational irony is when Harry works so hard to get the house that when he finally purchases it he ends up disliking the new house. Towards the end of the short story Harry dislikes the new house possibly because he had to endure so much to getting the house while second guessing himself and near the conclusion Harry starts to accept that not everyone especially his family are meant to be ordinary middle class civilians.

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