Life is about experience

Alina Mashanlo What It Takes To Be An Older Sibling

My traumatic experience begins on a family Vacation with my younger sister, my mom, and dad to Osoyoos on August 14th I think 2 days before my sisters 5th or 6th birthday. We invited some family friends to join us their were 4 people joining with us my best friends at the time who was a year older than me, her younger brother, and both of their parents. When we got to our destination it was amazing there were pom trees and brightly colored tropical flowers the sky was clear but filled with a calm blue and the sun blazed on us, sand and pebbles replaced grass and cactuses replaced bushes. When we got to our hotel it was 2 stories high and looked like any regular hotel would look like with a swimming pool at the front and since I was 12ish at the time all I cared about was the swimming pool and that was all going to change 3 days later I think after my sisters birthday. Anyways lets get to the point my friend, her brother, my sister and I were cooling down in the swimming pool the last few days we would try and teach my sister how to swim but she would panic start to thrash in the water and start drowning and at that time i convinced my mom to go and buy my sister arm floaties considering that she would learn faster and I wouldn’t always have to be stuck in the shallow end while my friend and her brother would do tricks and jump of the edge of the swimming pool to the deep end. Later that day I told my mom to get the arm floaties reassuring her that no one would drown and it will be ok *cough cough* once I convinced her my friend got an idea to drag my sister on a pool noodle to the deep end I started to panic and by me panicking my sister started to panic and she did something so stupid I could have almost died (omg so dramatic) she jumped on top of me in the deep end and in the back of my mind I decided to lifted her up like the monkey in lion king, while I was submerged underwater my eyes shot open and began to sting with the bleach in my eyes and at that point I could make out a fat child that i was holding above my head thrashing in the water and the blue background on the pools wall. I don’t remember how long i was under water maybe close to a minute and at that point I couldn’t hold my breath anymore my reflexes forced me to exhale and then I inhaled the water that tasted like bleach and left a tense tartness in my mouth like eating a lemon without the sourness. If you think that inhaling water is painful it’s not because the moment I breathed in water it was calm and that’s what surprised me is how calm I felt in such a situation. Afterwards my dad saw what was happening and took sabina my younger sister off me so I could come up to the surface and not die later that day I played it off like nothing happened but really that experience startled me and gave me more insight of what I could have done differently instead of just waiting it out not just when I think I’m about to die but in different situations.

here is the powerpoint AlinaM english essay-11izv1f


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